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  • Electoral College Votes Count: 8
  • Alocation Type: winner-takes-all
  • Electors Must Pledge: no

Elector Pledge and Electoral College Votes Allocation

Louisiana is one of the 48 states that have a winner-takes-all rule for the Electoral College. In these States, whichever candidate receives a majority of the popular vote, or a plurality of the popular vote (less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate), takes all of the state’s Electoral votes.Louisiana is one of the states that do not require their electors to vote as pledged.

Election Code: Louisiana Rev. Statutes §§ 18-1252, 18-1253, 18-1263, 18-1264

How Does Louisiana Select Its Electors?

  • Nominations for candidates for presidential electors made by each recognized political party shall be made in such manner as shall be determined by a resolution adopted by the state central committee of the respective recognized political party. The names of candidates for presidential elector nominated by each recognized political party shall be filed with the secretary of state.

No person shall be elected as a presidential elector who is not a qualified elector of the district for which he is chosen, unless he is elected at large, in which case he shall be a qualified elector of the state. A candidate for presidential elector may be registered to vote with or without a declaration of party affiliation. No United States senator, representative in Congress, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States shall be elected a presidential elector.

When Do The Electors Vote?

  • The electors shall meet in the State Capitol in Baton Rouge on the day appointed for their meeting by federal law and shall execute the duties and services enjoined upon them by the constitution and laws of the United States, in the manner therein prescribed. If one or more of the presidential electors fails for any cause to attend at the appointed place at 12:00 noon of the day prescribed for their meeting, the other electors shall fill the vacancy by voice vote by no later than 4:00 p.m.

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